Titel: Why people with a cognitive handicap need visual facilitation

Warum Menschen mit Lernschwierigkeiten Graphic Facilitation brauchen

Anfang August fand das internationale Meetup Euviz zwischen visuellen Prozessbegleitern in Dänemark statt. Auch wenn ich nicht teilnehmen konnte, nutze ich die Gelegenheit, meine Arbeit als Visuelle Übersetzerin mit Menschen mit geistiger Behinderung vorzustellen. Auf dem Meetup gab es nämlich eine Session zum "Social Impact" von Graphic Facilitation – wie visuelle Prozessbegleitung also in sozialen Bereichen agieren kann. Hier könnt Ihr die Ergebnisse dieser Session sehen.

Ich fasse in diesen Sketchnotes kurz zusammen, wie Menschen mit geistiger Beeinträchtigung von visueller Prozessbegleitung profitieren. Welchen Problemen begegnen sie und wie kann das Graphic Facilitation helfen, diese Probleme zu lösen? Graphic Facilitation ermöglicht eine bessere Teilhabe am gesellschaftlichen Leben. Wie? Lest selbst:

Why people with a cognitive handicap need visual facilitation. Everybody wants to be free. Everybode wants to have a life without barrieres. Being well informed about the most things is one of the key to that. But what about people who don't have access to these information because they dont't understand ist? For example people with a cognitive handicap don't undersatdn "standrad" language. Thus they don't have access to a lot of information. They need a language that is easier to understand. Thexy also need vusuals for complicated subjects that are difficult to explain with words. People with a cognitive handicap have a restricted perception. So a "standard" Graphic Recording or Graphic Facilitation doesn't work. You have to respect more rules for the design. So this is what I do. I create accessible visualization. That means visualization understandable by anyone. Example 1: for people with a cognitive handicap it can be hard to talk about feelings. In collaboration with an educationalist I created with his group visual representations of their feelings. Example 2: I translate speeches, workshops live into easy images. I give workshops about accessible visualization. How does that influence my visual style? For me the most important is that the visuals are as clear as possible. Working for people with a cognitive handicap helps me to concentrate on the most important, to take the perspective of the recipient. So I can more easily produce images for them and not about them, to find the adequat layout.
  • accessibility
  • barrierefrei
  • Barrierefreiheit
  • Graphic Faciliation
  • Graphic Recording
  • Inclusion
  • Inklusion
  • inklusive Visualisierung
  • Sketchnotes
  • Teilhabe
  • Visual Faciliation
  • Visualisierung

Kommentare (21)

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